- Daufuskie Island Residents Only -
Frequently asked questions.
A valid Palmetto Breeze pass for the QDR program (Qualified Discount Rider) has all three Beaufort County, Lowcountry Ferry and Palmetto Breeze logos, a picture as well as a valid expiration date. If your QDR card has all of this information you do not need a new card until the your current card has expired. Any card presented without all of this information is invalid. Please only contact Palmetto Breeze if your card does not have all the criteria stated above. The picture on the card must match the person using it.
Please note: All passengers who wish to utilize the subsidized rate must have their palmetto breeze pass with them while on the vessel. Anyone who does not have their pass will have to pay full price. We want to give everyone the proper rate for the qualifying passengers through the county subsidizes program.
Palmetto Breeze (PB) / Qualified Discount Riders (QDR) holders,
After speaking with the County Council members, County Staff and your Daufuskie Island council we will be increasing the allotted weight to 100lbs per wagon. This has been approved by the Coast Guard and will be limited to 15 per run.
Lowcountry Ferry has approved all “Wagons” that are no larger than 35.5” long by 20” wide by 30” high and may not weigh more than 100lbs with items included in. Any wagons larger or heavier than these dimensions will be considered over sized luggage and incur an extra luggage charge. In addition these wagons are to be for groceries only and not to carrying propane, tools, wood, bird seed, fertilizer, large items or similar. All items that are within the level of the siding on the cart will be allowed, anything that is not covered by the siding of the wagons will be considered as extra luggage. The exception to our luggage policy for the approved wagons is to help facilitate grocery runs and not moving large amounts of cargo or freight. Double stacking or items over the side wall of the wagons is considered extra luggage and will incur an extra luggage fee.
We limit our boats to 15 wagons per run and any additional wagons will come over by separate boat or another run depending on weight and passenger count.
Thank you,
The Team at Lowcountry Ferry
How do I make a reservation?
All reservations will be made online prior to booking.
How will you be charging for reservations?
Reservations will be charged at time of boarding at the embarkation site.
A valid Palmetto Breeze pass for the QDR program (Qualified Discount Rider) has all three Beaufort County, Lowcountry Ferry and Palmetto Breeze logos, a picture as well as a valid expiration date. If your QDR card has all of this information you do not need a new card until the your current card has expired. Any card presented without all of this information is invalid. Please only contact Palmetto Breeze if your card does not have all the criteria stated above. The picture on the card must match the person using it.
Does my pet need a ticket?
We do ask that you indicate if you will be bringing a pet along with you.
How much will you be charging for pets?
For QDR Pass Holders the fee for pets will be a reduced $10/pet. Pet fees will be refunded with proof of a vet visit for your furry friends.
Will there be a specific pet area?
Due to allergy concerns all pets must remain outside of the passenger cabin. All pets must be on leashes and restrained at all times.
Is there any plan right now to handle freight? (lumber, appliances, plants, animal feed, building supplies, business supplies, etc.) If yes, what type of freight? Will there be specific freight boats?
Freight will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All potential freight would be charged based on the quantity. Any freight would be defined as anything over-sized or any item beyond standard luggage allowances or groceries. Should the necessity arise and we are able to accommodate the service, we would use the luggage barge to carry over freight. We will not be providing a specific freight barge. For any large items we suggest contacting the barge out of Broad Creek.
How long is the trip over?
Our ferry rides will take approximately 1 hour. We are excited to a offer consistent and reliable ferry service.
Are you aware that islanders make multiple reservations in order to ensure that they have a ride? (This ensures that if there is a traffic situation or a late medical appointment, they can make it home.)
Each ticket is to an individual and tied to a place on the boat. We ask that people do not make multiple reservations on the same day as they are restricting other residents and guests from booking those seats. Our times are published and the runs will be consistent so everyone will be able to plan accordingly.
How will cargo be handled?
A PB/QDR Pass/ticket includes one personal item and a carry on only or one personal Item and an approved wagon only, all other items will be charged a fee. All items are defined below.
Every ticket is allowed one carry on luggage, equivalent to the size of airport luggage (maximum of 22” x 14” x 9”) up to 50 lbs or an approved wagon (defined below and instead of a carry on item) and one personal item, such as a purse, brief case or standard backpack (maximum size of 18” x 14” x 8”).
QDR Ticket = 1 carry on up to 50 lbs and a personal item
QDR Ticket = 1 grocery wagon up to 100 lbs and a personal item.
Extra or over-sized cargo will be priced based on size starting $25.00 for anything less than 50 lbs, $50 for anything 50-100lbs, and items over 100lbs will be charged an additional fee following the same format. Small items that can fit together into a 27 gallon HDX tote with the lid closed will be charged as a single item.
What is an approved QDR Pass grocery wagon?
The only exception to our luggage policy is for the PB/QDR pass holders. This allows the use of Lowcountry Ferry Approved wagons, sizes specified below:
Lowcountry Ferry currently has approved all “Wagons” that are no larger than 35.5” long by 20” wide by 30” high and may not weigh more than 100lbs with all items included within. Any wagons larger or heavier than these dimensions will be considered over sized luggage and incur an extra luggage charge. In addition these wagons are to be for groceries only and not to carrying propane, wood, large items or similar. All grocery items that are within the level of the siding on the cart will be allowed, anything that is not covered by the siding of the wagons will be considered as extra luggage. This exception is to help facilitate grocery runs and not moving large amounts of cargo or freight. We limit all wagons to 15 wagons per run and any additional wagons will come over by separate boat or another run depending on weight and passenger count. The over size luggage fee will start at $50.00.
When will the cargo boat arrive? Will this follow the ferry? Or will cargo only come over at specified times?
Our goal is to always have everything go over at one time on one vessel, however we are a passenger ferry system and need to ensure all ticket holders are able to go over. The cargo boat or “luggage barge” will be a separate boat that comes over on an as needed basis. In the event we are unable to bring all luggage over the barge will come into play.
How will you handle refrigerated cargo?
We suggest you place all refrigerated items in cooler bags that will fit in the approved expandable wagons.
How will you handle High value items?
Please take all personal valuables and high value items with you. Lowcountry Ferry does not assume responsibility for items left unattended or misplaced.
How is cargo identified?
Cargo is anything that is more than one carry-on (or one approved expandable wagon) plus a personal item such as a purse or briefcase.
Can you preschedule cargo?
The cargo boat or “luggage barge” will be a separate boat that comes over on an as needed basis only. Please contact us if you have a large amount of cargo that needs to be transported.
What boats do you have currently?
We currently have two types of boats and look forward to adding to the fleet as we grow.